Enforcement officer shall also render aid, as circumstances reasonably permit, to any person injured as the result of the use of excessive force. Armstrong's estate sued under the Fourth Amendment, claiming excessive force.Excessive use of force is any force used in an illegal arrest or unreasonable use of force in a lawful arrest or detention. Excessive, unconstitutional force is illegal and, in some cases, criminal. Nazario's claims for unreasonable seizure, excessive force, and First Amendment retaliation. This Article explores how the Fourth Amendment might limit medical providers' use of chemical restraints in detaining members of the public. Likewise, searching a vehicle parked in the curtilage involves not only the invasion of the Fourth Amendment interest in the vehicle but also an. He was careful to spell out what would have to be done for a specific warrant to be valid. Against unreasonable . . . seizures. No Qualified Immunity for Sheriff's Officers; Question Of Fact Whether Fourth Amendment Violation.