F.​​ A person who is arrested may be committed to jail for any one of the following reasons: There is probable cause to believe he will not appear for trial. The arrest process can be smooth and civil.They meet at the jail or the magistrate's office, which is usually adjacent to most jails. You will be put in handcuffs immediately and you will be brought before a magistrate, usually in a police vehicle. Learn how crimes are defined in law, categories of crimes, penalties for violating the law, and legal and hidden consequences for committing a crime. The rule in Virginia for felony criminal offenses is easy: if you are arrested for a felony criminal offense in Virginia, you will be taken into custody. To best understand the arrest process surrounding a domestic violence charge in Virginia, an individual should not hesitate before contacting a lawyer. This can include probable cause for the arrest. The magistrate may decide to release you on your own recognizance or keep you in jail. Where Are You Permitted to Go When on House Arrest?