False imprisonment occurs when one person unlawfully restricts another's freedom of movement. False arrest requires an arrest, but, false imprisonment only requires unlawful detention.In that case, one individual holds another against their will or takes them into custody without consent or legal authority to do so. The court and parties frequently referred to McClellan's first cause of action interchangeably as "false arrest" or "false imprisonment. False arrest is also referred to as false imprisonment and is generally considered a misdemeanor offense. Wickline, 188 Va. 485, 50 S.E.2d 387. Unlawful detainment occurs when an individual or group detains or restricts the movement of an individual unlawfully and without consent. However, special conservators of the peace are not "law enforcement officers" as the term is used in different sections of the Code of Virginia. The process of filing criminal charges is relatively simple in Virginia. False arrest, also called wrongful arrest, is when someone is arrested or detained without lawful justification.