"Arrest" refers to the process of charging a suspect with an offence to which they will have to answer, typically in a court of law. Yes, you were imprisoned.Being sentenced to confinement, whether it be prison or county jail is considered "imprisonment". Filling out the OF306 form it asks on question 9, "During the last 7 years, have you been convicted, been imprisoned, been on probation, or been on parole? A sweeping criminal justice reform bill designed to promote rehabilitation, lower recidivism, and reduce excessive sentences in the federal prison system. Our criminal defense attorney has experience defending thousands of probation violations in Wake County. A language of elaborate indirection fills the room. A sweeping criminal justice reform bill designed to promote rehabilitation, lower recidivism, and reduce excessive sentences in the federal prison system. For other types of offenses, a probation officer may ask that someone complete community service hours or spend a few weekend in jail. A criminal summons is not much different than if you were taken to jail in a police car.