You will be mailed a summons form with a date to report and a qualification questionnaire to complete and return within ten (10) days to the Court. A jury summons is a court order.Not appearing for jury duty or lying to avoid jury service can result in contempt and criminal charges. Phone number was spoofed to show up as "city sheriff department". A new juror scam email, which fraudulently seeks personal information that could aid identity theft, has been reported in at least 14 federal court districts. If I am summoned for jury duty and attend, but during the interview in the morning I end up being disqualified, does that count as serving? Instructions before and during trial, general final instructions, definitions and proofs - final instructions, evaluation of evidence - final instructions. Accordingly, the government contends that, even in the wake of United States v. In Manitoba, jury trials take place in the Court of King's Bench. Members of the jury, your function in the trial of this case is to reach a unanimous verdict.