The questionnaire is used to obtain information about you so that we can objectively determine whether you are qualified to serve as a juror in the court. Welcome to jury service!Any false statement is subject to penalties of the law. "If I get summoned to jury duty, how can I prove to my boss that I have to go and can't get out of it? Pro-tip if you get a summons: defer it until Thanksgiving week - only 3 days to show and very few juries are impaneled. Complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on the person's behalf and explain why you are doing so in the remarks section on the back side of the form. The call-in number is 360-336-2188. Please note that there are five (5) possible reporting locations for jury trials. I'm not comfortable with the idea of being a Juror how can I get out of Jury Duty? Fill out your questionnaire completely and return it immediately to: Whatcom County Superior Court.