Use this instruction for making, completing, or altering a written instrument, which is only one of the ways of committing forgery. On your jury summons form, you will find a number to call or an address to which you can write to make arrangements to reschedule.The questionnaire is used to obtain information about you so that we can objectively determine whether you are qualified to serve as a juror in the court. Any false statement is subject to penalties of the law. "If I get summoned to jury duty, how can I prove to my boss that I have to go and can't get out of it? STEP 1 Read both sides of this mailing fully. It is a juror Questionnaire and a Summons for Jury Service. Please complete and return the juror questionnaire within 10 days of receipt. The call-in number is 360-336-2188. And this summons is because you did not fill out that form?