These forms are not a substitute for legal advice and if you have difficulty filling out these forms, then you may wish to consult with an attorney. — The language of the Fourteenth Amendment requires the provision of due process when an interest in one's "life, liberty or property" is threatened.This page provides access to the forms currently available to the public and attorneys through the Administrative Office of the Courts. The original text of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment Flack. These forms are not a substitute for legal advice and if you have difficulty filling out these forms, then you may wish to consult with an attorney. C Minimum affordable housing set-aside: 20t . The Court has already provided Plaintiff with an opportunity to amend (Doc. Fourteenth Amendment, Equal Protection Clause. Print and complete the form you need, then return it to the address noted on the form.