Section 4 Public Debt. — The language of the Fourteenth Amendment requires the provision of due process when an interest in one's "life, liberty or property" is threatened.The Fourteenth Amendment's public debt clause as a limitation on questioning the public debt, it also helped protect the victories of the Civil War. This course will provide students with in-depth instruction in legal analysis and exam-taking strategies for the Uniform Bar Exam. The amendment rewrote the section to read as set out above. More in The Constitution. Management indicated fill at Towne House in Fort Wayne expansion continues to lag behind schedule. Ronald Gerald Wayne (born May 17, 1934) is an American retired electronics industry business executive. Brinson claims that this conflict of interest violated her right to procedural due process under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.. Constitution. Appoint Council Member to Fill the AtLarge Vacancy and Administer Oath of Office.