Compare the best Obstruction of Justice lawyers near Wayne, NJ today. If you are charged with resisting arrest in New Jersey, you need to speak with a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.The state could see a gross interference as an obstruction of justice– a crime that could potentially result in incarceration and a criminal record. This is a 'fillable' form. A family offense petition is filed when a family member claims that another family member committed one of the following acts against another family member. The officer removed her keys and placed her under arrest for obstruction. She was convicted at her trial and de novo appeal in the Law Division. Retain the skilled and experienced lawyers at the Lento Law Group for nationwide defense of resisting arrest criminal charges. An obstruction charge can be a fourth degree offense, which exposes the defendant to a State prison sentence of 18 months, as well as fines and penalties. He claimed that he was threatened with a Taser, and arrested for obstruction of justice and resisting arrest.