A police officer may arrest a person for an offense, pursuant to section 140.10, at any hour of any day or night. I have an open case but no arrest warrant what does that mean what's going to happen it's a year old maybe going on two years ?The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. If a warrantless arrest is not made, the criminal complaint is filed first and a magisterial district judge issues a warrant of arrest or a summons. A Wayne warrant check is the fastest way to discover any warrant that may be out in your name. If charges are presented to a judge, the judge can sign an arrest warrant that authorizes police to locate and arrest the suspect. And apparently, this explicitely rules that you can't enter a dwelling to perform routine arrest on a felony charge without a warrant! (D) Arrest Without Warrant.