A police officer may arrest a person for an offense, pursuant to section 140.10, at any hour of any day or night. The following is a general overview of proceedings in a local criminal court and is not to be used as a legal reference in any proceeding before any court.In instances where you do not give your consent for a search, law enforcement officers must have what is known as "probable cause" to proceed. A nonbailable warrant, also called a "no-bail" warrant, is an arrest warrant for which the issuing court has set no bail amount. An arrest may occur with or without a warrant, depending upon the circumstances. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. If charges are presented to a judge, the judge can sign an arrest warrant that authorizes police to locate and arrest the suspect. The manual consists of policies and directives that members of the Wayne Police Department follow in the course of their daily duties. You could lock up every drug dealer in the world today and tomorrow there would be just as many to fill those shoes. (a) A person arrested and incarcerated without a warrant should be released from custody within forty-eight (48) hours of arrest unless a judicial.