Which of the following torts has Sam committed? - Battery - false imprisonment - assault and battery - assault.Under the current and controlling state law, the claims for false arrest and false imprisonment are untimely. For these reasons, Plaintiff's false arrest claim against Wayne County is dismissed for failure to state a plausible claim. Fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions completely. In New York, a private person or a police officer commits the tort of false imprisonment or false arrest when they detain someone without legal authority. Thus, following this principle here, the court finds that the Plaintiff's false arrest claim is time-barred. In New York, a private person or a police officer commits the tort of false imprisonment or false arrest when they detain someone without legal authority. A fee shall be charged for each certificate of occupancy in accordance with the Fee Ordinance of Wayne Township. Following Plaintiff's false imprisonment in the Defendants' corporate vehicle,.