A criminal charge for false imprisonment is a disorderly persons offense, carrying up to 6 months of jail time. These two claims for assault and battery and false arrest and imprisonment and malicious prosecution arose out of the same episode and were tried together.Compare the best False Imprisonment lawyers near Wayne, PA today. Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified False Imprisonment attorneys. Holding someone against their will is called false imprisonment and it is against the law. If you are facing false imprisonment charges it could cost you. Additionally, "pain" is classified as "injury" in a third degree assault charge. A local attorney should be able to contact the DA in charge of filing the case and try to persuade them it is not a valid charge. If you have been restrained without your consent, you may be able to seek a PFA Order based on false imprisonment. False imprisonment is similar to false arrest, but it includes being illegally held or detained against one's will.