People often try to cheat an at-home drug test. A 'dirty bomb' of pseudoscience wrapped up nearly 268 cases perhaps hundreds more.Now begins the 'herculean effort to right the wrongs'. Typically, drug testing is implemented because there is demonstrably a clear need for drug and alcohol intervention in a school. It has been 90 days since the repeat positive result for the person, regardless of whether or not the person had a positive test between the two results. You can study for the ACCUPLACER test using the free ACCUPLACER Study App. Revolutionary Prep is an online tutoring program that provides test prep (individual and group) for SATs, ACTs, PSATs, and APs. Wondering how to dispute a false positive drug test? False allegations of sex crimes arise are not uncommon. If my vehicle has air brakes and does not weigh over 26,001 lbs.