One possible reason why you may encounter this error is that you have entered the wrong zip code for your billing address. If a website actually validates that a zip exists, you can't just randomly guess.There are less than 50,000 zip codes in the US, in general. Generate random US address, including street address, city, state, zipcode, phone number and mobile number. The correct ZIP Code is shown in the ZIP Code field. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is dedicated to helping Postal Service customers avoid trending scams throughout the holidays. Fill out the form below and send it to your county's address on the back of this form, or take this form to the office of your County. Current and historical average residential retail prices for Home Heating Oil in New York State. Browse cheap vehicles in Wayne, NJ for sale on Cars. TurboTax pulled in the wrong state abbreviation for me, so the zip code, while correctly entered, was not valid because the state is incorrect.