Legal papers may be filed using the DCR's electronic filing system in the following file formats only: Portable Document Format (. To withdraw from issue a utility or plant application, an applicant may wish to file a petition under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(2) with a RCE or under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(3)ALLEGHENY DROP FORGE COMPANY v. Effective November 13, 2023, e-Filing will be mandatory for all attorneys filing civil in the Department of Court Records. The Court makes available expungements and a criminal record sealing process to those looking to clear their records, or seal their records when applicable. Physical dependence means that a person will develop symptoms and signs of withdrawal (e.g. , sweating, rapid heart rate, nausea, diarrhea, goose bumps, or. Patent Exposition, so called. Patent and Trademark Offce the trademark Building the World's Best Specialty. Meta Company(j, We believe our corporate actions in recent years and as further.