In order for a US court to exercise personal jurisdiction over a foreign defendant, that defendant must have sufficient contacts with the forum state. An experienced Bexar County trademark attorney can help you navigate the best way to register, maintain, and protect your trademark.(a) These Patent Rules apply to all civil actions filed in or transferred to the. A patentee is typically unable to receive damages for products "manufactured, sold, and used abroad without ever entering the United States." Jackson Walker IP attorneys obtain, protect, and enforce intellectual property rights in the United States and abroad for our clients. There is no such thing as an "international patent"; that is, a single patent that protects your invention in all of the world's 195 countries. You may ask an attorney to send a ceaseanddesist letter demanding damages or other legal remedies. The other alternative is to file a lawsuit. In consultation with your attorney, review the claims in the patents. You may ask an attorney to send a ceaseanddesist letter demanding damages or other legal remedies.