If you need any help with false Amazon infringement claims in Florida, consider contacting our legal team or calling the firm at (954) 5074500. Amazon will investigate each report and will require the violators to remove your trademarks and logos from their listings.Has your listing or product been removed from Amazon because someone accused you of infringing their patent or other intellectual property? When an infringement occurs, Amazon provides the trademark owner with a form to fill out. How to Report Copyright Infringement On Amazon. To schedule a consultation with an Amazon patent attorney at our firm, call 8886001925 or reach out through our contact page. Fill out this short form to see how we can help you with your Amazon patent case. Please ensure you complete the application in its entirety and include all information you want considered. You can only submit copyright, trademark, patent, or other IP infringement. UPNEP is a confidential procedure and is limited to one assertion of a claim from one unexpired U.S. patent for patent infringement.