In filing a patent application and paying required fees, the USPTO provides forms and an electronic filing tool. To withdraw from issue a utility or plant application, an applicant may wish to file a petition under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(2) with a RCE or under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(3)In the past they have told me that I have to go in person to a patent library in either Los Angeles or New Mexico. This will mean travel for me. You cannot takeover an expired or lapsed patent, and you cannot obtain a new patent on the thing disclosed in that patent. There is a filing fee to submit a patent application, depending on the type of patent needed. Not if the application is withdrawn within 18 months of its filing. Otherwise, yes, at the end of 18 months. I, Debra Gard, declare: I have been employed as a Special Agent with the California Department of Justice (DOJ) since February of2001. USPTO has a patent application guide for anyone interested in issuing a patent for technical inventions that are new and unprecedented in a particular industry.