A patent holder can file a suit for infringement in the District Court or High Court. To file a patent infringement case, the patent holder must engage legal counsel to draft and file an infringement suit in the appropriate court.As per section 104 of the Act, a patent holder can file a suit for infringement of a Patent in the District Court or the High Court. To initiate a patent infringement lawsuit in India, patent owners must first gather substantial evidence of infringement. Patent infringement in India is the commission of a prohibited act with respect to a patented invention without permission from the patent holder. Patent litigation proceedings in India are civil court proceedings because the Patents Act, 1970, only provides civil remedies for patent infringement. So infringement of this right would amount to or constitute the infringement of a patent. A patent enforcement action under Section 104 of the Patents Act, 1970, can be initiated before a district court or higher. Patent Fee Calculator can be used to calculate the official cost of filing a Patent application in India. They were publicly known or used in India before filing the patent. 6.