In South Africa, patent infringement can only be enforced in the High Court, sitting as the Court of the Commissioner of Patents. The Patents Act makes provision for infringement proceedings.In order to get a patent granted in South Africa, one must accompany the patent application with the complete patent specification. Patent Litigation Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of South Africa, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries. Your client approaches you with clear proof of the infringement of South African Patent no. South African IP Litigation - How to take and win patent infringement and nullity cases in South Africa. South Africa remains a very active jurisdiction in the field of patent litigation in the pharmaceutical industry. Invention in South Africa in the names of both Mr Robot and Dr Jekyll. As South Africa is a nonexamining country, it is especially important for a patentee to ensure that their patent claims are valid. To prevent patent infringement or litigation, the patent attorney will assist with the novelty search of the invention.