The validation system provides European patent applicants with a simple and costeffective way of obtaining patent protection in Georgia. The validation agreement between the European Patent Organisation and Georgia enters into force today.European patent applications, both direct and EuroPCT that are filed after 15th January 2024 can be validated in Georgia once granted. As of 15 January 2024, Georgia (The country, not the US state) has been added as a socalled "validation state" of the European Patent Organisation. Validation for Georgia is possible for any European or international PCT application with a filing date on or after January 15, 2024. The amendments aim to harmonize Georgian patent law with the EPC, European legislation and the Patent Law Treaty. It has been announced that it will be possible, from 15 January 2024, to validate European patents in Georgia (GE). Sojuzpatent will help you to file your patent applications with the Georgian Patent Office in any technical field with assistance of reliable local agents. European patent application in respect of which validation in Georgia has been. Patent was published in the European Patent Bulletin.