Pharmaceutical patent disputes are subject to certain specialized procedures under the HatchWaxman Act and the. This article explores the remedies that patentees could seek against a pharmaceutical company looking to launch a new drug product.This Article surveys legal developments in the area of intellectual property relevant to the Eleventh Circuit during the 2011 calendar year. Megan Meyers focuses on patent litigation, specifically Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) matters at the district court level and in appeals. Matthew enforces and defends his clients' IP rights, particularly patents, and in the chemical, biological and pharmaceutical industries. An amended complaint was filed on May 23, 2019. In the field of medicine, various types of patents are available for innovators or companies to protect and monetize their invention(s) accordingly. Pharmaceutical companies maintain a complex patent portfolio aimed at attracting investors and protecting their place in the marketplace. Though typically addressed through litigation related to patent validity (i.e. The FTC is cracking down on pharma companies filing sham patents in the Orange Book to delay generics competition.