Foraminal stenosis is when a bony opening around a nerve root becomes clogged and presses on a nerve. Disc herniation takes up more "free" space in the spine.Moreover, the damaged disc can intrude into the foramina, causing stenosis. Cervical foraminal stenosis typically causes neck pain that radiates into the shoulders and arms. Cervical foraminal stenosis narrows spinal nerve openings in the neck, potentially causing pain and discomfort. The solution to foraminal stenosis in the cervical spine is a multistep process. Dr. Tony Mork talks about the problems of lumbar foraminal stenosis and how it can be treated in this 2 part series. This application is related to U.S. patent application Ser. Tobis, J.M. ∙ Narashimha, D. ∙ Abudayyeh, I. Patent foramen ovale closure for hypoxemia. The date shown in the middle column above indicates when each form was last revised.