Patent litigation is the process through which one party sues another for making allegedly unlawful claims upon their patented invention. A patent lawyer can help you protect your intellectual property rights and ensure you are not infringing on an existing patent.Together with your attorney, you will need to compile evidence of your ownership of the patent and the infringement. Patent infringement is the unlawful use, selling, or copying of a patented invention. United States patent law protects such inventions. Patent infringement occurs when someone makes, uses, sells, offers to sell, or imports into the US a patented invention without the patent owner's permission. Patent infringement is an unauthorized act of - for example - making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing for these purposes a patented product. Dive into the essentials of patent infringement, its legal implications, types, and how to avoid it in the United States. A Practice Note discussing patent infringement claims and defenses in the US federal courts. Need to enforce or defend a utility patent infringement claim?