Unlike a registered trademark or copyrighted materials, a patent is not filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Miami patent attorneys at Bold Patents provide expert legal services in intellectual property, focusing on patent prosecution and litigation.A US patent holder can block importation and sale of an infringing machine, manufacture or composition of matter in the US and can sue for damages. The Supreme Court opens the door for collecting lost profits and royalties on patent infringement that occurs beyond U.S. borders. The Supreme Court recently made a groundbreaking decision that as the patent holder, you are entitled to recover those lost foreign profits. Our attorneys conduct a thorough patentssearch. Find the best intellectual property attorney serving Miami. Trademark lawyers and attorneys in South Florida, Miami Florida, Coral Gables Florida. Trademark attorneys assist in the preparation and filing of trademark applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This means that United States trademarks and patents won't protect your IP in other countries.