This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. When a new idea is eligible to be patented or copyrighted it is incumbent upon the.The vertebral arteries have forward (antegrade) flow bilaterally. Impression: No hemodynamically significant stenosis in the extracranial cerebrovascular. The Product Control Section receives applications for product approval and processes, reviews and issues approval or denial of building construction materials. Grade 1, Any faint antegrade flow beyond the target occlusion, with incomplete filling of the distal branches (penetration without perfusion). The Pro Se Assistance Program is dedicated to help independent inventors and small businesses meet their goal of protecting valuable intellectual property. This tutorial will focus on patents and the process for securing a patent in the U.S. First, let's consider why we have a patent system? This overview is based on Stanford University's patent approach, shared with permission and adaptation for the University of Miami.