A patent holder can file a suit for infringement in the District Court or High Court. A patent enforcement action under Section 104 of the Patents Act, 1970, can be initiated before a district court or higher.This article breaks down the steps involved in identifying infringement, sending a cease and desist letter, and filing a suit. Indian IP Litigation - How to take and win patent infringement and nullity cases in India, IP enforcement issues in India. Civil remedies against patent infringement in India comprise of filing suit for injunctions in the appropriate court (lower courts or high courts) The Amendment has tried to streamline some patent procedures in India. However, the Indian patent laws and rules are still not applicant friendly. Although not explicitly defined in the Indian Patents Act, Indian courts have acknowledged and addressed these forms of infringement through various judgments. The DHC has adopted the provisions of the Commercial Act 2015 to the fullest extent. Patent infringement in India is considered a civil remedy, with cases typically based on the violation of Section 48 of the Patents Act, 1970.