The recent rulings and cases highlight the complexities surrounding imminent patent infringement in the pharmaceutical industry. Patent litigation is the process through which one party sues another for making allegedly unlawful claims upon their patented invention.A pharmaceutical patent can be particularly valuable. Pharma companies developing new drugs obtain patents to protect their investments. Patent infringement simply refers to the use of someone else's Patented invention without authorization. This article attempts to provide a summarised guide on intellectual property protection in Brazil for pharmaceuticals, particularly patents of invention. Though typically addressed through litigation related to patent validity (i.e. Watch for the Supreme Court's ruling and its potential effects on patent litigation in the year to come. Claims for patent infringement can only prevail when a 503A is compounding a drug that is "essentially a copy" of a commercially available drug. In the field of medicine, various types of patents are available for innovators or companies to protect and monetize their invention(s) accordingly.