To withdraw from issue a utility or plant application, an applicant may wish to file a petition under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(2) with a RCE or under 37 CFR 1.313(c)(3) In need of a skilled Riverside patent attorney or trademark lawyer?CIONCA IP offers top-notch intellectual property legal services in Riverside. Riverside Law has vast experience in patent application drafting and patent prosecution in a wide range of technology areas. To file for an assessment appeal, you must timely complete an Assessment Appeal Application (form BOE-305-AH). You'll be asked to create an account and fill out several screens of information after logging into the ETD site. Riverside grants You a personal, limited, nontransferable, nonsublicensable, nonexclusive license to access and use the applicable Services during the Term. Fill out the information. Click the 'Submit' button. In a patent infringement case filed in the Northern District of Texas.