Enter the city or county in Texas for which you are trying to determine venue. (a). These Patent Rules apply to all civil actions filed in or transferred to the.A provisional patent application allows you to file without a formal patent claim, oath or declaration, or any information disclosure (prior art) statement. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with basic information about filing a utility patent application with the USPTO. The ductus arteriosus is a hole that allows the blood to skip the circulation to the lungs. The cardiac cycle represents the hemodynamic and electric changes that occur in systole and diastole. Anencephaly Congenital absence of the skull, with cerebral hemispheres completely missing or reduced to small masses attached to the base of the skull. Narrowing of the pulmonary valve (valvar pulmonary stenosis) causes the right ventricle to pump harder to get blood past the blockage. Our mission is to advance hope, healing and the best healthcare for children and their families. So, no matter what your child may need, we offer expert care.