Resources are available for Virginia residents to help inventors and entrepreneurs learn more about protecting their intellectual property. The person engages in a reasonable effort under the circumstances to establish that the target has infringed the patent and to negotiate an appropriate remedy.A patent lawyer can help you protect your intellectual property rights and ensure you are not infringing on an existing patent. At Benjamin C. Rothermel, Esq. Law Firm, we specialize in trademark law, offering a client-first approach that prioritizes your needs in Harrisonburg, VA. Contact Us. Fill out the contact form or call us at 804.916. 1600 to schedule your consultation. The assertion of patent infringement is deceptive, or the person threatens legal action that cannot legally be taken or that is not intended to be taken. Information regarding conception and reduction to practice, including claims to an earlier priority date. Often, patent trolls make bad faith assertions of patent infringement.