A patent holder can file a suit for infringement in the District Court or High Court. Patent infringement in India is the commission of a prohibited act with respect to a patented invention without permission from the patent holder.A patent can be enforced against an infringer only in Civil Courts and not below the Court of a District Judge. Civil remedies against patent infringement in India comprise of filing suit for injunctions in the appropriate court (lower courts or high courts) To initiate a patent infringement lawsuit in India, patent owners must first gather substantial evidence of infringement. A patent application must be filed with the Indian Patent Office to get a patent. If the infringer does not comply with the cease and desist letter, the patentee can file an infringement lawsuit in a court of law. For such cases, the patent holder can file suit for infringement against the third party and can demand an injunction as well as damages. In India section 104 to section 114 of the Indian patent act 1970 provides the guidelines to Patent infringement. Rights in the Indian Patents Act allow plaintiffs to recover fair compensation from the infringer.