You'll be required to mention the type of infringement that has occurred. The Report a Violation tool covers three types of intellectual property violations: copyright infringement, patent infringement, and trademark infringement.Filing a patent infringement claim on Amazon is relatively simple. You can submit the complaint through the Amazon Brand Registry or using Amazon's Report Infringement Form. 5.3: Fill in the forms. In order to fill out this form, the person wanting to file the complaint must be the intellectual rights owner or their agent. Patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S. culminate in a jury trial. Patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S. culminate in a jury trial. To schedule a consultation with an Amazon patent attorney at our firm, call 8886001925 or reach out through our contact page. See Amazon's new patent application for speech processing devices (possibly for Alexa) and what the patent entails in this week's blogpost.