US Supreme Court declares strip search of 13yearold student unconstitutional. Case: Safford Unified School District v. Redding.In 2008, the ACLU filed suit against Bucyrus City Schools after officials strip searched five students they suspected of having cigarettes. Oklahoma middle schooler forced to reveal bra at school during search for a vape pen, mother says. If a vape is included in the policy as a tobacco product or by-product, a school resource officer would have the authority to seize it. Teachers and the student to work out a manageable method for completing work. Tucson teen faces deportation after being caught with marijuana vape pens ; 022320-metro-student deportation-p4. If a teacher or administrator has reason to believe there is a need to search a backpack, locker, purse, etc. While at school, they may do so. • Vape Pens or E-Cigarettes.