California's stop-and-frisk laws allow police to detain you temporarily if they have a reasonable belief you are involved in criminal activity. (b) Persons conducting a strip search or a visual body cavity search shall not touch the breasts, buttocks, or genitalia of the person being searched.A search warrant allows law enforcement officers to enter the place described in the warrant to look for and take items identified in the warrant. The purpose of pat searches and strip searches shall be to locate concealed weapons or contraband that could impact the Sheriff. Any incarcerated person may be strip searched without completing the waiting period for posting bail under the following circumstances: 1. The California prison search policy for visitors is being revised. Inmate families worry they'll experience more strip and cavity searches. In California, law enforcement can conduct stop-and-frisks only if they have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. That's "Indecent Exposure", which is a crime on it's own. After completing a search, Juvenile Hall staff shall attach the original Search Authorization.