Non-peace officer staff must visually monitor for contraband at all times within the Secured. Place and secure juvenile in safety room. 264.An updated stripsearch policy has some worried that families will face intrusive encounters during their visits. A strip search or visual body cavity search, or both, shall not be conducted without the prior written authorization of the supervising officer on duty. The individual plaintiff was subjected to a strip and body cavity search on his voluntary admission to a civilian mental hospital pursuant to a standing order. Gavin Newsom signed a law to allow the involuntary treatment of more Californians experiencing severe mental health conditions. She was required to undress in front of a staff member, and called this a "strip search," and I borrowed her term for my article title. G) Each time a client is strip searched, staff performing the strip search shall complete a body map diagram. Welcome to UMC – University Medical Center Southern Nevada, a leading hospital for your medical care, treatment and recovery.