Oklahoma middle schooler forced to reveal bra at school during search for a vape pen, mother says. 1, 2023, any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300-feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event must be placed in DAEP.Hundreds of North Texas students were sent to disciplinary alternative schools this school year because they were caught vaping. US Supreme Court declares strip search of 13yearold student unconstitutional. Case: Safford Unified School District v. Redding. The group discussed different ways to protect families and communities from fraudulent activities and shared online resources for fraud protection. Houston campuses, facilities, and all student housing units. TSA isn't there to enforce tobacco laws, they are there to stop bombs. Strip search was not permissible in its scope. I'm 14 but I (sometimes) vape because there are nicotine free vapes and I like the flavors.