You remove ALL of your clothing, STRIP SEARCH, and an officer inspects your body to see if anything is being secluded there. It is illegal to hunt with the aid of bait, or over any baited area when hunting big game, upland game birds, turkey or waterfowl.The Fulton Street Mall is a pedestrian street that runs through the heart of downtown Brooklyn. If you do not know an attorney and you live in the Atlanta Area, you should contact the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 404-521-0777. Read 1691 Fulton Ave. Assocs. Complaints of retaliation should be addressed to the Ethics Officer or the County Clerk. You should check with local authorities before having an open fire to find out if local law requires a permit or prohibits open fires. Challenging a strip search. If you do not know an attorney and you live in the Atlanta Area, you should contact the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 404-521-0777. The sake bar's name will be Daisuki, meaning "I love it" in Japanese, according to the owner.