The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law. The Fourth Amendment lays out the people's right to be secure against searches, without a search warrant.In some cases, the Supreme Court has found searches and seizures to be constitutional absent a warrant, provided the conduct passes a reasonableness test. A search or seizure is generally considered to be unreasonable without a warrant, subject to only a few exceptions. The Fourth Amendment requires the government to obtain a warrant based on probable cause to conduct a legal search and seizure. Has your right to be free from an illegal search or seizure been violated? The police can search your person without a warrant, but must usually have a search warrant to search your home. The police can search your person without a warrant, but must usually have a search warrant to search your home. The Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES) is a way to share digital exhibits with the court and parties in a case without the need for physical copies in. In other words, police cannot search you or your property without a warrant, and they must have probable cause to obtain a warrant.