Until at least the fall of 2022, it was the Mount Vernon force's practice to strip search every person it arrested, according to the report. PURPOSE. This policy provides guidance regarding strip and body-cavity searches of individuals in custody.You can verbally fuss and complain but the guard will tell you to shut up, complete the strip search then you get dressed again. I Consider It Sexual Assault. Strip-searching us for contraband is a perfectly legal way to rob incarcerated people of our humanity. The Court of Appeals set forth the requirements which must be met before the police can conduct either a strip search or a body cavity search of an arrestee. Police generally need a reasonable suspicion that you are concealing a weapon or contraband in the area the officer wishes to search. What is the strip search like when you go to jail? A strip search is when the police search you and remove more than your outer clothing. Outer clothing is things like your coat, hat, gloves, shoes and socks.