Oklahoma middle schooler forced to reveal bra at school during search for a vape pen, mother says. The Court ruled that educators violated the constitutional rights of a 13- year-old student when they conducted a strip search for over-the-counter ibupro- fen.Mother sues school district after 8thgrade daughter allegedly strip searched. US Supreme Court declares strip search of 13yearold student unconstitutional. Case: Safford Unified School District v. Redding. Another shocking stripsearch has taken place after a student is accused of carrying a 'vape pen'. By Emily Malia 17th June 2023 3 Mins. It is similar to the store on Route 18 north known as. In the staid chambers of the Supreme Court today, the talk was about underwear and whether school officials can strip search a student. The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio was victorious in federal court last week in a case involving the strip search of five middle school students.