The visitor has the option to submit to the requested search procedure or to refuse. If a visitor refuses to submit to a strip search the visit will be denied.Examine the controversy and legal rulings surrounding strip searches in Nassau County, focusing on privacy rights and law enforcement practices. The Court of Appeals set forth the requirements which must be met before the police can conduct either a strip search or a body cavity search of an arrestee. Illegal strip and cavity searches continued until at least 2023, the report found. A Federal judge ruled today that Nassau County's blanket policy of stripsearching everyone arrested and sent to the county jail is unconstitutional. This appeal is the latest installment in a series of litigations over the Nassau County Correctional Center's (NCCC) blanket strip search policy. Out of 144 civilian complaints, Nassau Police claim zero have any merit. James Jenkins sued Nassau County Police for excessive force. I was illegally arrested and illegal strip searched in Nassau County, NY. I was told I can sue for special damages from the strip search.