The visitor has the option to submit to the requested search procedure or to refuse. If a visitor refuses to submit to a strip search the visit will be denied.A federal court in New York held that the Orange County Correctional Facility's (OCCF) strip search policy violated the Fourth Amendment. This appeal is the latest installment in a series of litigations over the Nassau County Correctional Center's (NCCC) blanket strip search policy. A Federal judge ruled today that Nassau County's blanket policy of stripsearching everyone arrested and sent to the county jail is unconstitutional. Nassau TASC offers alternatives to incarceration for those who suffer from substance abuse or mental health issues. This form is broken down into parts, ALL parts must be filled out for this application to be submitted. Read In re Nassau Cnty. Strip Search Cases, 99-CV-2844 (DRH), see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database. They had just searched his friends for drugs during a car stop.