One of those things is having to be strip searched while on your period. (3) The facility director's order to conduct a strip search shall be documented in writing within 24 hours of a verbal order.The visitor has the option to submit to the requested search procedure or to refuse. If a visitor refuses to submit to a strip search the visit will be denied. All sworn officers shall receive training regarding strip and body cavity searches. A federal court in New York held that the Orange County Correctional Facility's (OCCF) strip search policy violated the Fourth Amendment. The Court of Appeals set forth the requirements which must be met before the police can conduct either a strip search or a body cavity search of an arrestee. If you were strip searched and believe it was unlawful, talk with our civil rights lawyers, who can discuss your options for filing a lawsuit. Because of this decision, jails and prisons can strip search new inmates upon their arrival at the facility. Require that all appropriate sections of the search consent form are filled out properly and legibly.