After you kill Northy, or more accurately, he seems to kill himself, you're supposed to check the body for clues. With the Silver Shroud missions you have to toss a calling card onto the character's body after you kill them to register as complete.I've killed Northy in the silver shroud quest and must search the body. There is a marker on a pile of rubble, but I don't see any way to get under. "Search body for clues" may not check off after searching Northy's body leaving the player character with a quest blip over his body. Using console commands can skip the dialogue, too. After I killed Northy I checked his body for clues and listened to the tape. How to get through the Reunions quest in Fallout 4, from killing the Stunned Yao Guai, to tracking down Kellogg with a little help from Dogmeat. The safe requires a four-digit code to unlock; Sarge's clue hints that "It's as simple as lining up the cards. Earl Sterling Case File on Nick Valentine's desk in Fallout 4.