You remove ALL of your clothing, STRIP SEARCH, and an officer inspects your body to see if anything is being secluded there. Complete the Sheriff Information Sheet.(Form may be obtained from the Clerk). This form is used specifically for reporting suspicious activity or tips to assist with solving crimes or the apprehension of fugitives at large. ECaseView allows any member of the public to search and view detailed information about civil, criminal and traffic cases filed in Palm Beach County. 1 marks the dawn of a new era for Popeye and Tintin. A private, playful hideaway at the edge of the sea and sky, Viceroy Los Cabos invites you to immerse yourself in the spirit of Baja. Strip searches should not be carried out in a police van. News provided by. ACCESSWIRE. Have you ever been curious about a certain law or which form to choose for your legal needs?