The visitor has the option to submit to the requested search procedure or to refuse. If a visitor refuses to submit to a strip search the visit will be denied.The desk officer will be requested to verify any arrests which were not verified at the scene of arrest. DEFINITIONS. Strip searches happen and are unfortunately part of prison life. The Court of Appeals set forth the requirements which must be met before the police can conduct either a strip search or a body cavity search of an arrestee. A federal court in New York held that the Orange County Correctional Facility's (OCCF) strip search policy violated the Fourth Amendment. Staff at the city's jails must get written permission to search people they think may be smuggling contraband into the prison. This appeal is the latest installment in a series of litigations over the Nassau County Correctional Center's (NCCC) blanket strip search policy. Gray, an appellate court found that a body cavity search of a suspect in an effort to find crack cocaine was unreasonable. In the school nurse's office, Redding was ordered to strip to her underwear.