Oklahoma middle schooler forced to reveal bra at school during search for a vape pen, mother says. The Court ruled that educators violated the constitutional rights of a 13- year-old student when they conducted a strip search for over-the-counter ibupro- fen."The school had no justifiable reason to strip search an eighthgrade girl for a vape pen. US Supreme Court declares strip search of 13yearold student unconstitutional. Case: Safford Unified School District v. Redding. It is illegal search and seizure, which is highly unconstitutional. NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified School District Files Suit Against JUUL Labs, Citing E-Cigarette Epidemic and Disruption to Student Education. Ricky Carmona, 16, got kicked out of high school for smoking marijuana with a vape pen in the school bathroom. Did you lose a personal item while visiting SeaWorld® San Antonio? Submit a claim utilizing the form below.